
Kitty Spencer Instagram
スクリーンショット 2020-03-12 23.51.48



My heart breaks for Italy and everybody suffering through this tragedy ???? I owe an immeasurable amount to this magnificent country. I have learnt the most valuable things I know about independence, passion, work and love from my experiences in Italy and with Italian people. You are the masters of all that is great and important: talent, beauty, creativity, joy, family. My most treasured friendships and most meaningful memories have come from my time in Italy. I am so lucky to have called you “home” once upon a time and have felt inextricably bound to you since ❤️ The world is a brighter place for having Italy be a part of it ???????? You have always had my heart, but it’s with you now more than ever. I am truly sorry for your pain. You are in my prayers, wonderful Italia ???????? #italy #coronavirus

Kitty Spencer(@kitty.spencer)がシェアした投稿 –

