ブラピ災難!? レナ・ダナムからパンツを見せられる

9月下旬、映画『Once Upon A Time In Hollywood(原題)』の撮影現場でレナ・ダナム(32)からパンツを見せられているところをパパラッチされたブラッド・ピット(54)。その理由が明らかになりました。
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クエンティン・タランティーノ監督(55)による同作にはレナも俳優として出演。「Jimmy Kimmel Live」に出演した彼女は撮影のワンシーンでブラッドにパンツを見せたのかと聞かれ、意外な答えを返しました。

Lena Dunham Instagram
スクリーンショット 2018-10-07 09.59.14

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Today is National Leathercraft Day, National Relaxation Day and National Lemon Merengue Pie Day. It’s also the 9 month anniversary of my hysterectomy. I’ve never celebrated the 9 month anniversary of anything and I realized last night why that number feels so funny- I won’t ever do it the way I planned to. My body is mostly healed and every day I find a new bruise on my heart, but today I offer myself gratitude: from the most pained place, I somehow knew to choose myself. The purest glint of who we are and know we can be is always available to us, calm and true at our center. My friend Paul named my uterus Judy, and when she was being uppity we called her out, hence the tattoo on my ribs, which hurt like fuck even through the pain meds: #RIPJudy. Today I give thanks for Judy, for her graceful exit and for this body, which is stronger than I’ve ever given it credit for. Happy Giving Birth To Myself Day.

Lena Dunhamさん(@lenadunham)がシェアした投稿 –
